version history:
version 1.82 (9 November 2022)
- added merge distributed points by distance (works better than distance min in most cases)
- added texture and weight affect scale option
- added reset origin (z=0) button
version 1.71 (29 september 2022)
- added convex hull geometry output
- added raycast target geometry input
version 1.64 (24 September 2022)
- added master on/off button
- added secondary wind
- added face camera (useful when scattering image planes)
- added make canvas and make brush menu buttons (for weight dynamic painting)
- fixed math in slope angle distribution
- fixed LOD error
- removed translation and distance from face as redundant. using random min and max values results in same behavior
version 1.58 (28 August 2022)
- added wind system
version 1.51 (19 august 2022)
- changed the scaling behavior. now uniform and non uniform random scales are simultaneous and additive
- cleaned up the geometry node tree
version 1.45 (9 August 2022)
New features:
- added distance and random distance from face along normal setting
- added buttons under ia tools for resetting the origin of the selected object (center and lowest point) with center finding method option
- added button under ia tools for selecting all objects that have similar size/volume to the currently selected object (with similarity tolerance setting)
- added button under ia tools for smart UV projection of selected objects selected material
- added option to modify the UI (split 3d viewport and open up geometry node editor) after ia scatter is added to the scene
- ia scatter button now adds a new copy of the geometry node group with randomized seed on the selected geometry
- added internal timing for each script operation for optimization and benchmarking purposes. the timing results can be seen in the console
version 1.34 (21 july 2022)
- fixed align to normal, rotation and scale math to respect transform/center/pivot change (based on user feedback)
version 1.32 (20 july 2022)
- added instance translation and random translation feature
- fixed rotation math for better z axis behavior when align to normal is selected