



VST Pugin

“One of my go-to sound-design synths. It’s a beast.” — PHACE

“This synth relies more on the artist’s wandering and exploration of hit’n’miss, which is something quite rare in the music industry. and sometimes the discovery of what you like is all you need in sound design and music.” — BILLAIN

“ommarunn & araucann are rare gems in a sea of software synths that stand out from the crowd. The nature of their design means one can quite easily stumble across unexpected and inspiring results while still retaining an excellent sound quality.” — Broken Note

ommarunn is a randomizable synthesizer / sound design tool.
you can read a review about it from Ask.Audio

It is a refined and simpler version of araucann. The replacement of envLFOs by LFOs makes it lighter on the CPU, simpler to work with and gives a totally new flavor of randomization. You can also include / exclude parameters from the randomization process.

It offers frequency modulation, amplitude (ring) modulation, phase modulation, additive and subtractive synthesis techniques, all at the same time. It has 6 filtered oscillators modulated by 32 LFOs.

ommarunn does not rely on presets. It is completely randomizable and produces very complex and unique sounds at the push of a button.


  • 6 oscillators.
  • 32 LFOs.
  • uniphaser unit.
  • flanger unit.
  • tremolo unit.
  • compression.
  • delay unit.
  • reverb unit.
  • modulated post filter unit.
  • output math unit.
  • unison and monophonic / polyphonic modes.
  • randomization algorithms for global or per unit parameter randomization.
  • Fully automatable controls.
  • Preset saving and loading.
  • Loudness protection / auto-gain function (no signal will be too loud or too quiet).
  • Full SSE and SSE2 support.

download ommarunn DEMO
(the demo version mutes for one second every 33 seconds)

ommarunn is 32bit windows VST plug-in.
If you want to use it on a x64 DAW that does not already support bridging, take a look at jBridge. Also check out the instructions from Ableton.

(The sounds in the samples were created using ommarunn only. no other synths or effects were used.)

By purchasing ommarunn you get all future 1.xx versions for free (and also a discount for version 2)

Buy from KVRaudio

(try the DEMO before you buy)

current version : 1.03 [9.May.2017]

version 1.03:

  • added option to compress before reverb and delay
  • added global smoothing *10 button
  • added free running LFOs on / off switch
  • added output volume knob
  • optimized auto gain algorithms
  • fixed math in output math module
  • fixed a bug where oscillators lost phase setting when host DAW started playback
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